‘The Unexpected Past of Miss Jane Austen’ by Cass Grafton and Ada Bright

Another time-travel adventure with Rose Wallace and Jane Austen. A worthy sequel to the first installment full of love, friendship, adventure and full of moments any book lover and Janeite will enjoy.

Let’s start with the official synopsis:

Rose Wallace thought her time-travelling adventures were over. Jane Austen is about to prove her wrong.

After becoming trapped in present-day Bath due to a mishap with her time-travelling charm, Jane Austen is safe and sound back in the 1800s thanks to Rose’s help. Now, Rose is ready to focus on her fledgling romance with dreamy Dr Aiden Trevellyan.

But when Jane reappears in the present, it looks like Rose and Aiden have no choice but to follow her back to 1813…

Staying in the Austen household, Rose and Aiden are introduced to a number of interesting figures from the past, including Jane’s eccentric – and surprisingly modern – neighbour. Suddenly Rose’s life is in need of a re-write as she discovers some unexpected ties to Jane Austen’s world and her past.

After enjoying the first book so much there was no question whether I would read the continuitation. It ended with a cliffhanger and the story picks up right where we were left.

Just when our heroine Rose thought her life would settle down and when she discovers her infatuation with Dr Trevellyen isn’t unrequited at all… in sweeps our favorite time-travelling author to sweep her up into another adventure.

Rose and Aiden travel back with Jane into the year 1813. Chawton is the main location this time. It is an important place for Jane Austen and her family. There is the Jane Austen Museum in her former home and the Great House where her brother Edward Knight nee Austen lived.

I’ve been to Chawton, Winchester and several other places in Hampshire related to Jane Austen’s life. While there I did learn about her life back then and additional information about her family.

Her sister Cassandra is mentioned a lot as being very close with Jane and of course the letters they always exchanged. Her brothers however are not so well known unless you read about the authors family life in more detail. Thus I was delighted to glimpse into Jane Austen’s home and family life and her interactions with her siblings. It gives further glimpses into her character and in context with the time-travel aspects the dialogues are hilarious. And modern language spoken by Rose and Aiden adds to the confusion of an overall unusual situation.

Plus as an avid reader you always wonder what it would be like to get to know your favorite author and learn about their life and how it influenced them. I certainly do. It has driven me to travel to the above mentioned places. And Jane Austen died in 1817 so it seems impossible. Not in this plot devised by Cass Grafton and Ada Bright. Rose getting that chance is a dream come true then. But is it really?

The 19th century is very different from the life we are used to in the 21st century. There aren’t modern inventions like tooth paste, electricity and many more. It certainly takes getting used to. Rose is struggling with adjusting to the 19th century. As an Jane Austen fan she has read a lot about it, sure. But putting it to practical use… something else entirely.

And her heart aches for getting to know Aiden now that she knows he has feelings for her as well. Courtship sounds romantic when reading about it in our beloved books. However their budding romance will have to develope with chaperones and sneaked moments together. Aiden really is remarkable. At first he does not want to wear the Regency clothes at all but he really cares for Rose and stands by her side. His curiosity as an archaeologist to see buildings he is used to seeing ruins of is a benefit as well.

And why did Jane bring Rose and Aiden back to 1813? There is a personal mystery connected to Rose that will challenge her further. Thankfully she has Aiden and the Austen family at her side, giving her support.

Rose goes on a personal journey and in many ways I can relate to her. Once again her friendship with Morgan shines through in many ways and she misses her dearly. The dynamic and bond reminds me of a friendship I have. I met her through Jane Austen and like Rose and Morgan we can talk for hours about books. The book is full of Harry Potter references and I love those. Jane Austen and Harry Potter might sound like an odd combination but you’d be surprised how many of my Jane Austen friends share a love of all things Harry Potter.

Once again Cass Grafton and Ada Bright manage to take us readers on another time-travel adventure full of love, friendship, and magic. You are transported into Jane Austen’s world and all those well researched pieces take you on road to discover more about your favorite author and the romance and society of former times.

Once again Jane Austen found the perfect words: “If adventure will not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad.”

Rose is certainly going on an adventure. I recommend this book to fellow readers who enjoy this genre and are open to a little magic. I loved book one and if there is another book in this series I will certainly read the next books as well.

P.S. Next time I visit the Jane Austen Museum in Chawton I will pay more attention to all those items displayed there. And in my mind I’ll see the place like it was in Jane Austen’s time.

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